Summer Sports Highlights
Lee Valley VeloPark, Stratford, London
On Sunday 7th June 2015 an epic sporting event took place in London’s Olympic park, Stratford. After a whole terms training – drinking in pubs all across London, the athletes finally felt ready for the main event: ULSCR’s summer picnic. After a ‘rest day’ at Saturday’s excellent treasure hunt the Olympiads were all fired-up for action. Some members of the squad had been morning ringing at Hart Street and Magnus while others felt that an abandoned quarter peal attempt was the best warm-up.
The day started with a marathon tour-de-Olympic park, mainly due to failed navigation on the part of Team Sky (sorry, team Magnus), while team Wiggins (sorry, team Wallis) had already made a start of the bread and hummus in front of the designated meeting point cafe. Once we finally found our pitch, after a steep descent for some, the post-modern pentathlon began; consisting of frisbee, croquet, bridge, sunbathing, and doing the crossword.
We were well fuelled by a great spread of sweet and savoury goodies, and as should be expected, the athletes kept hydrated throughout each stage of the punishing event. Only one sporting injury was reported following the record attempt, thought to be due to an overdose of warm fish. This was a record breaking picnic which will hold the title for years to come, and thanks go to Rupert for co-ordinating / herding cats and organising such great weather.
Coincidentally, Bradley Wiggins also set some kind of world distance record that day, but whatevs.
Lucy Bricheno,
ULSCR Sports Reporter
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