AGM Outcomes

Hi All

It was great to have a remarkably quick AGM yesterday, over in about 45 minutes!

The following people were elected to office:

President: Ryan Noble

Vice Presidents: Bethan Hensman and Jenny Willis

Master: Isaac Johnson

Secretary: Alex Lewis

Treasurer: Will Bishop

Ordinary Committee Members: George Hart.  It was recommended that the committee may like to co-opt some of our regular attendees as ordinary committee members.

We discussed making a donation towards St Olave’s Church to help with cost of maintaining the bells.  A contribution of £500 was agreed.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who stood down from being an officer this year for their hard work, especially Harry who has very diligently led the Society for the last year.

Please note that this year’s annual dinner will be held on Saturday 23rd November – put the date in your diaries!

The ULSCR website’s “What’s happening” page will be updated this evening with all the upcoming events – which I hope to see some of you at.

