Hello All,
As highlighted at the UL AGM a few weeks ago we are planning to attempt to ring 70 Quarter Peals and the 70 closest towers to Hart Street to mark the UL 70th Anniversary year.
Our plan is to get a large bulk of these quarter peals rung on a few quarter peal weekends, so our organising group (Chris, Katie, Rachel and I) have decided a few suitable dates to do these:
- 17th-18th October 2015 – Launch QP weekend and Birthday Party
- 28th-29th November 2015 – Dinner Weekend
- 16th-17th January 2016 – Roger Bailey QP Weekend
- 14th-15th May 2016 – AGM Weekend
Yes, these dates seem quite a long time away – we are getting them out now though so all UL Members (and friends) can get them booked out in their diaries.
For those not familiar with the format of previous QP weekends, it tends to be Quarter peals on Saturday AM+PM and Sunday PM. On the Saturday night there will be an informal social event in a pub and probably food at a suitable establishment.
Hopefully lots of our Alumni will be able to come and help ring a few Quarters so that we don’t end up with the same people ringing all 70!!
What to do now?
Nothing – unless you have a strong desire to express your interest to us, in which case – feel free to reply.
We will get in touch again around August time to get your availability for the October QP weekend and a provide a general update on this.