The Seventh London 12-bell Competition for the Whitechapel Trophy will take place on Saturday October 24th 2015 at St Giles’, Cripplegate, London EC2 by kind permission of the Rector, The Rev Katharine Rumens and assistance of Gwen Rogers.
The draw will take place at 10.45am and competition ringing will commence at 11.30am. Bands will ring at 20 minute intervals with a 20 minute break at 13.10pm. Members of participating bands are asked to be present on time for the draw to enable band photographs to be taken before ringing commences…
At its meeting last month the committee decided to amend the test piece which will now be a touch of Erin Cinques, all of which will be judged. Therefore approximately five minutes will be available for practice and rope adjustment beforehand. The committee has not yet agreed the touch…
We are delighted to confirm that the Chief Judge for this competition will be Andrew Mills. He has not yet decided upon an assistant/assistants.
A day of additional social activity is planned and fuller details of the event will be forwarded later.
As has been established in its first six years, the competition is intended to be a “fun” day for as many as possible of Greater London’s 12-bell bands, as well as an opportunity to take part in and hear some good ringing…
We hope that this event will again provide an enjoyable opportunity for Greater London ringers to get together.
Michael Uphill
Competition Secretary